Saturday, January 29, 2011

Scattering Seeds in the Wake of the Snowmelt

As soon as you get boats, cities and trade, you have people that look very different and have differing dna learning different languages. Its likely that there were Europeans, Asians as well as Africans in ancient Egyptian and Middle Eastern cities all speaking the same language. language in anything more complex than a pre agriculturalo society is not a good way of judging race and relationship outside of linguistically.

" that time, it was just the beginning of what you call ancient DNA studies."

"...a woman emerged"

Girl Making Bread

At the window as the water from the roof
Icicles dripped onto the railing icicles,

I considered the house nextdoor's array
Of pipes and the tree across the street's

System of roots. Later I saw a map
Of spontaneous flowers. As he tended

The onions, carrots, and celery on the stove,
Mixed with garlic, with Mediterranean oil,

And with the forest-green lentils of the Levant,
I lifted and pressed, pressed and lifted,

The dough in my hands, in my house,
In a country, singing a song from who knows when.

We shared wine, each with our glasses, philosophizing
The heaven of the womb, as a turning within me noted me.

Native American Graves and Repatriation Act

International Mother Language Day
transcribed from "A Traveler's Prayer Card"
+ the inside of a "Mate de Coca" teabag slip

How is it the flow of the words over space is more
than a product of tone? I dream

"tunneling registers"

as the piece of the script I see creating
a unit of verse
in the mandala scene

of the dream
between dark and the afternoon

on the other side of these mountains

other health systems

as if spontaneously from some cavern
where we do things

and the sounds seem
to come from our insistence on them

like casting again and again into the river.

What was it like for you, brother,
on the other side,
as we grew in different minds

and ages in the cottage in the woods?

Time to catch up. Unpacking

the moments of these years
like undergoing

surgery to benefit another;
but tracking these motions

from town to city,
or of tribes across canyons and mountains,

is like trying to remember
the gestures from second

to second of the hand,
or positions, in each minute,

sitting, walking, returning,
how is it possible?

when the easiest piece
of this day to remember

is the feeling of lying
about her,

in the deep glow of the lamp
reaching under the sheets,

dreaming of our movements,
as we move, talking somewhere in here, too.

Tot-Ale Recall

"Highly-branched," awake, asleep,
or awaking in the train

station, and market, and people
"valley of which you were dreaming"

--everybody's radios going
at the same time -- hard to remember

-- blabble, thoughts, talking;
buying, selling, people;

cogito ergo sum everywhere.

What's central? "Perhaps"
a well-dressed newspaper man,

his associate, Karl,
his woman, Chai;

down the street, hashing out
the day, story --

the case of the missing hat
or adventure
through the old streets
only words bustling
-- through the city, empty
to the temple

--something waking up

riverward, with their savings
--boat waiting!

brightness after sunset

a story

nouns flowing

(when) verb-loved
in the valley
knowing -- purring
women, nutrients

Home Cows Everyherd

--any other nations--

awaking while sleeping

a thought train

--morning, Tatev; (song) "Going to Yerevan! La-la"; watering horse


Taking Pictures

sun on green stone
birds in the leaves
"shit, forgot sumpin', one sec"
whistling friend, waiting outside the gate
(floral twining of white waves)
printing English
teaching "kids"


foothill zones

'...the struggle between "fathers" and "sons" -- which culminated in the victory of the new generation'.... (highly branched)

"before reconstruction"

detail... design... interior... as exterior

"diaries and bespoke"


The Old Jest

"soon royals and nobles from Europe and Asia commissioned Smythson..."

"seemed to be more at home in the evening"

Super Mario in the Underground Tavern, "Down is the New Up"

2010 Dream Registration Project
: "I was born in the future"


Speech is an acoustic reality, writing a visual one. Performance of the former has been
perfected through a million years of natural selection in the evolutionary process. The latter is a
mck which we began to learn only yesterday (in terms of evolutionary time). To "hear" language
(and to "say" it) is programmed in our genes; to "see" it (and "read" it) is not. The job of the
written word is to trigger a memory, if possible automatic, of the sounds of the spoken word.
The Greek alphabet can do this exhaustively with lightning speed and minimum of effort, once the
atomic table has been memorized. The visual operation, which is artificial, is reduced to a
minimum, so much so that &he visual table can be taught to small children completely while they are
still extending the range of their spoken vocabulary. The two meld together, so that "reading" can
become an automatic reflex. No other system so far as I am aware has ever approached this
I looked around the world "from China to Peru" and concluded that those peoples and
cultures who had adopted the Greek invention had set the pace in the development of law,
literature, science, and philosophy, culminating in the industrial revolution -- had in fact invented
"modernism". Those using other script systems -- Arabic, Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese, Japanese --
had tagged along, employing the alphabetic script in varying degrees of "modernism". The reason
for this is perceived to be that their script systems, of varying character, all in varying degree kept
getting in the way: a barrier between the speech act as it actually sounds and its visualization on
paper. None of them could be imposed easily upon the genes of small children so successfully as
to meld into an automatic reflex at the unconscious level...

...was no duplicate

Westgiving dinner

(Irish gal)
"It is full of Kiwis, that's true... Never went to Brazil; figured it's too big; that's another trip..."
(On Colombia:) "...his relatives were so worried about his safety... wrapped him up in cotton wool..."

"valley... trail of animals..."



vellum, veil'em

'...mute reproachful eyes that forsaken gardens and buildings acquire.' (Daniel Martin, p. 82)


"Smaller -- that Covered Vision -- Here" -- E. Dickinson

In that picture

was the cloth -- of the white and blue weave -- placed
over a bowl of dough
or covering a head with bright secrets,
or was it the outline of a mountain, with wintry trees?

The Tales and Ways of Cosmas Indicopleustes

"...a dead warrior, stretched him out in his canoe, and so left him to be floated away to the starry archipelagos; for not only do they believe that the stars are isles, but that far beyond all visible horizons, their own mild, uncontinented seas, interflow with the blue heavens; and so form the white breakers of the milky way." (MD)

galaxy Look up galaxy at
late 14c., from O.Fr. galaxie, from L.L. galaxias "Milky Way," from Gk. galaxias (adj.), in galaxias kyklos, lit. "milky circle," from gala (gen. galaktos) "milk" (see lactation). The technical astronomical sense emerged 1848. Figurative sense of "brilliant assembly of persons" is from 1580s. Milky Way is a translation of L. via lactea.
See yonder, lo, the Galaxyë Which men clepeth the Milky Wey, For hit is whyt. [Chaucer, "House of Fame"]
Astronomers began to speculate by mid-19c. that some of the spiral nebulae they could see in telescopes were actually immense and immensely distant structures the size and shape of the Milky Way. But the matter was not settled until the 1920s.

Far from home (again?)
In fact they had stolen
Our alphabet -- that was
Why we were stuck there;
Slaving over pyramids
Was just an excuse, really.
Given, we had made our
Stories from their mess
Of pictures, but had kept
It secret; when they found
Out, they were troublesome
Monsters. But that just
Became part of the story.

The chief was elaborately decorated with an interlocking series of striking designs representing a variety of fantastic beasts. The best preserved tattoos were images of a donkey, a mountain ram, two highly stylized deer with long antlers and an imaginary carnivore on the right arm. Two monsters resembling griffins decorate the chest, and on the left arm are three partially obliterated images which seem to represent two deer and a mountain goat. On the front of the right leg a fish extends from the foot to the knee. A monster crawls over the right foot, and on the inside of the shin is a series of four running rams which touch each other to form a single design. The left leg also bears tattoos, but these designs could not be clearly distinguished. In addition, the chief's back is tattooed with a series of small circles in line with the vertebral column. This tattooing was probably done for therapeutic reasons. Contemporary Siberian tribesmen still practice tattooing of this kind to relieve back pain.

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