Atalantean ... Tartessian ...
At times it got so boring we started arguments at parties or (going back far enough) wars in the courts or countryside just to make something happen. Other times things seemed so quick and lithe in the mind moving it felt like everything everyone reports, in hospital and courtrooms, etc., were so far gone we were already on the fucking Stardeck. In between, the trouble was getting the stone-slow events to take place in the former case so that we could return to the star-fast horizontality we learned to love in our best moments in the latter case. Down that winter path the spring is waiting, young man, though you forget to feed your brain the sometimes difficult things that will move you along. Sometimes the best men had to get out of their fireplace armchairs and go down to the docks.
The Aryans first settled on the Oxus (AMU DARYA in BACTRIA) around 4000 B.C. They called this river the Sarasvati and here Vedic culture developed. Around this time agriculture begins, allowing the population to move from the foothills into oases along the rivers that flow into the Central Asian desert. The new settlements include large fortified buildings. Seen in isolation, the Rigveda is undateable. However, by placing it in the context of external evidence some useful time brackets can be assigned. The reference to copper, harnessing of domesticated horse for transport and draft, and use of wheeled-vehicles show that the oral tradition of the Rigveda is from around 4000-3000 BC. The 2 rivers Sarasvati (Oxus) and Drishadvati (Jaxartes) represent Ikshvaku. Mr. Gangaram writes:” The Aryan civilisation was centered around the Sarasvati and Drishadavati rivers. We know that the goddes Sarasvati is also called Vaks (speech) and that the Sarasvati (daugher of the lake, sea) river is called Va(m)ksu in the Mahabharata. The Greek word Oxus is a corruption of Vaksu. The other river Jaxartes (Caks-sar(i)tes means eye-river) is. Drishadvati which means daugher of the eye (or stone). (Drish means: to see). The one river signifies sight while the other signifies speech. There is a relationship with Iksh-vaku (sight-speech), the well-known sage. Iksh-vaku is the great grandson of sage Kashyapa. The 2 rivers represent Iksh-vaku (see-speak), while Kashyapa is the Caspian sea, which in Vedic times was called Kasyapa Mira. Scientists have shown that the 2 rivers used to flow in the Caspian sea, before they changed their course and emptied in the Aral sea. This could be the cause of the southward movement of the Aryans. The Vedic river Raha ro Rasa is identified with the Volga river, which in old slavonic languages is called Rasa, from which Russia derives its name”.).
multi-ringed city... DoñaNA
You say the city is a lovely lady or sundae, waiting.
But I say leave me, leave me here in my lonely valley --
I’m no help out there. Besides, there are hardly
Any connections. My bro, leave me, I said, I'm happy here,
In this room where the vine climbs over the TV set,
Or so I dream watching the wall or the sky
In the mountain traffic. A voice comes over the twilight.
“There are billions of dollars, waiting…” It’d be fun if we all disappeared…
The moon is a raw egg, slipped out of the massive chaos cracking
in the spiraling heat in the emptiness above.
The sun’s falling through! But as if all were clouds,
Nothing’s converging on us. The world slides off
Like so many photographs. Still, it feels good,
In the junglecloud afternoon, to see it -- river! and say it -- "river!"
When I told the ex-Korean linebacker of the Afro-European
Origins of the Chinese Calendar, he laughed in my face.
When I tried to discuss the implications of Friday the 13th
for the future of the Animal Kingdom, I got yelled out of the barn.
But for our worries, we are on permanent vacation,
labor itself stitched into the sweater of the family outing,
driving the whale to the fast food joint, Splash Universe,
talking in a wild wheeling through Mad Libs
at the Japanese Restaurant, eating irrigation,
neon ice-cream, watching the news, here,
in the back of the brain, working to waste,
we light the lamps yet, the city
as the valley as the room, like birds,
we honk. For good luck.
"I went back to the library.
Anyway." ...
...Meanwhile, back on land, Cloudio and Tonio...
how to type... ñ (enye or N with tilde). On Windows: ...

or forest
the way the wires converge towards
the amber bulb, a glowing source
in the blue darkness growing
light while all around our building,
triangles and rectangles,
figures, cars and rooms,
moving, holding,
our middle ages, in Europe
or America or Asia -- speak
of a watered-down (no pun
intended) of the western reach
of the east -- sea-vale-I-say-song
fragmented by the Flood,
whence we landed in Armenia,
and had to start all over again,
the land...
- boreal (adj.)
- "northern," late 15c., from L. borealis, from boreas "north wind," from Gk. Boreas, god of the north wind, of unknown origin, perhaps related to words in Balto-Slavic for "mountain" and "forest."
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