Wednesday, May 25, 2011

4 Year Universary


Can't do it -- all this
"weave" and "strum"

maybe the only good I got
from it was "stormwater"

-- mind travels pageless

in this light of images and
travels behind me in the memory

of leaving the city through
a hole in the stone

-- graffiti warning, swirling
as the dark opened

into a light-green field
and I stood

in the sacred

earth alone
unadorned once again.


"I feel very good here,
In this water, in this garbage"

Wonderful garbage cans,
People as all kinds of animals.


"A little peace and quietness, away
from the hungry generations" (Budgen)

"When the heart grows old" (Yeats)
Gluck's Orpheus

"put it in the sun
and it freezes stuff"

infant heart problems
in rural areas

"have a good birthday;
I'll see ya"

"roots... in the names of
mountains, rivers,

cities and gods"

"Dear Post Officer...
I hurt myself on the ice
and can't make it...
Please call
if there are any problems"

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