Thursday, June 7, 2007


A certain cloud, exploding from the sun. Rising luminosity of clouds. Shot through with daylight’s mystery. Glory of the sun over mountains. Stretching fertile fields by the life-heavy river. Wheat-gold hillside encircled by roads. Sphere of brightness, shimmering wheel, you take us from the black and green caves of sleep, our rain-heavy heads. Space-curving destroyer of night, bringer of pluralities! At your zenith all shadows flee from thee, O flaming clock of eternity! Gigantic monster roaring through space, I am but an atom, a quark, upon your impossible photosphere! Unbounded solar winds that touch the very heliosheath of the solar system surround us day and night. And as we sleep, all dreams are but the trickling residues from the waking corridors lit by your hands and your moon, reincarnations bleeding forth, desiring to behold your face again in dark forms! Snapping and crackling asterisks of neurons are but pale simulacra of you, father of tree-roots and axons. Waking or sleeping, you nourish the mind with beauty of impenetrable depth. All dreams and all memory are but the transparent overflow of life into life, brought into being by you, thankless star. Will you come back trillions of years from now, in the same form, to create us again?

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